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30 Years

Consulting Experience


Satisfied Customers


While there are countless opportunities in the market today, people struggle to find one platform that nearly as transparent, simple and sustainable. Our Educational Tools are aimed at delivering specific information and training to help you improve your financial position. The fluidity of knowledge transfer and its affordability is at the heart of our program. This platform provides you boundless prospect of interpersonal development along with the opportunity to work with experienced as well as ambitious entrepreneurs, from across the globe.

TRADING FX has an immensely experienced and forward thinking leadership that understands the gap in market faced by buddying entrepreneurs. We build systems that are profitable to the consumers today yet relevant and rewarding in the future.

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benefits We offer

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• Gain access to in-depth courses covering forex trading, technical analysis, and fund management.

• Learn from industry experts with real-world experience in the financial markets.

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• Participate in simulated trading sessions and live trading with real-time market data.

• Apply theoretical knowledge to practical trading scenarios to build confidence and skills.

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• Advance your skills with specialized training in portfolio management, investment strategies, and risk management.

• Learn about algorithmic trading and other advanced trading techniques.

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• Receive job placement assistance and access to exclusive job opportunities in the financial industry.

• Network with industry professionals through forums, webinars, and networking events.

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• Earn certifications upon completion of courses to validate your skills and enhance your professional profile.

• Gain recognition for your expertise in forex trading and fund management.

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• Stay updated with the latest market trends and developments through ongoing education and workshops.

• Access to industry news, market analysis, and regulatory updates to make informed trading decisions.


30 Years

Consulting Experience


Satisfied Customers

We offer forex education from beginner level to advanced level to help you unlock your potential in the trillion-dollar industry. The idea is to give you all the necessary ingredients required to become an independent trader.

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Our Services

Comprehensive Resources and Training for Forex Trading and Fund Management Success

Discover a wide range of educational programs, practical trading experience, and specialized training designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the financial markets.


A fully integrated forex trading service that makes every place of the jigsaw to be successful.


You are never on your own as the programer that has been developed gives you connual support.


A set of strategies and processes you can use to secure the privacy, availability, and integrity of your data.


They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.


Trading Bots that will place all trade entries without any manual intervenon in your own Trading Account.


Strong relaonships exist between people in the community.


Product roadmap

Market Research


Conducting thorough market research and analysis to identify target demographics, assess market trends, and understand competitors' strategies and weaknesses.

User Persona


Creating detailed user personas based on market research findings to represent different segments of traders, including their preferences, pain points, and goals.

MVP Feature


Prioritizing features for the minimum viable product (MVP) based on user personas, market demand, and feasibility to ensure essential functionalities are developed first.

Security Measures


Implementing robust security measures and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards such as Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations.

Mobile Integration


Developing native mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms to enhance accessibility and provide a seamless trading experience across devices.

Continuous Improvement


Establishing processes for ongoing improvement and innovation, including regular updates, feature enhancements, and exploration of emerging technologies to stay ahead in the competitive trading landscape.


Meet our advisers

Hey everyone, meet our amazing advisers! They're here to help and guide us through anything.

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Dianne Russell

Trade Captain

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Theresa Webb

Strategic Advisor

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Courtney Henry

Management Consultant

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Albert Flores

Development Specialist

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Darrell Steward

Growth Strategist

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Wade Warren

Trade Consultant

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Cody Fisher

HR Consultant

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Bessie Cooper

Financial Advisor

connect with our Clients

We love connecting with our clients to hear about their experiences and how we can improve.

The above testimonial is about Martha Chumo, who taught herself to code in one summer. This testimonial example works because it allows prospective customers to see themselves in Codeacademy’s current customer base.

In the above testimonial, a customer named Jeanine shares her experience with Briogeo’s products. While the post is scattered with too many product mentions, it takes full advantage of its real estate by allowing the writer to tell

The above testimonial is about Martha Chumo, who taught herself to code in one summer. This testimonial example works because it allows prospective customers to see themselves in Codeacademy’s current customer base.

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